Photuria 2016-pres
An immersive piece addressing climate change and loss of biodiversity in the United States through a crime-fiction narrative exploring the disappearance of fireflies. Photuris asks audiences to reflect upon the cultural, ecological, and financial value of the firefly.
• Fireflies are a part of our biodiversity heritage and are iconic insects that have been the subject of much investigation in the sciences, an inspiration in the arts and a part of local cultures, folklores and traditions because of their ability to produce light.
• Fireflies have been a source of ecotourism revenue for many communities in different parts of the world and have the potential to bring similar benefits to other local communities. Fireflies and their natural habitats also enhance quality of life and contribute to economies through the promotion of aesthetically pleasing landscapes that have greater appeal.
• Fireflies are bio-indicators of the health of the environment and are declining across the world as a result of degradation and loss of suitable habitat, pollution of river and water systems, increased use of pesticides in agro-ecosystems, non-regulated commercial harvesting and increased ecological light pollution in areas of human habitation.
While observing firefly behavior, several naturalists have noted that females of the genus Photuris are carnrivorous. Many have discovered this by trying to keep groups of fireflies alive overnight in the same container. In the morning one usually finds one Photuris female and bits and pieces of all the rest.